Friday, October 27, 2006

I'm not dead or anything, guys. But no, I haven't done any Ultra Fem art since last post many months ago. I have, though, been working on the next League of Amazing Women commission. Here's an inked sample. My style has gotten more cartoony. Is it just me, or is American Avenger looking quite like Tinkerbell in this drawing?


  1. Hey lisa; really loved the previews of the Ultra-Fem stuff i saw so far & though i know you have it on hold right now, was wondering if there was anyway to get the back-issues?

  2. Thanks for your interest, ethnarc! Paypal took away my account. That's what killed the project, mostly, and I still don't have any way of accepting new payments. I've been in bad shape financially since early this year, and all of my creative projects are on permanent hold until further notice. I have to rebuild my life to some semblance of financial order before I can afford to spend time on "fun" stuff again. No light at the end of the tunnel so far, but I am able to limp along with the L.A.W. project because that's a paying job.

  3. O.k Lis' i get the predicament. Lord knows we've all been there...some of us more times than we care to think of (lol). But hang in there though & keep doing art how you do it cause it's great. Take care & all the best.

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