Sunday, November 7, 2010

'Megamind' was good! —
I wasn't planning on seeing Megamind at all. I never saw a preview that made me want to see it. Dreamworks makes bad movies, and Will Ferrell makes TERRIBLE movies, so I didn't see how this could possibly be any good. But when people I knew started giving it good reviews, I decided to give it a try. And you know what? It was GOOD! I mean, ACTUALLY ENTERTAINING! I laughed a lot! There were lots of little things I didn't expect, which is always good. So, I have to say... I recommend it!

The movie starts with Megamind falling to his death. His solution is brilliant! NOT something I would'a thought of! Hee!


1 comment:

  1. I was probably going to watch it anyway since the fish guy is voiced by Tobias Funke.
