Saturday, October 2, 2010

A robbery happened weeks ago. Nobody made any attempt to contact me. I called the police. The property owner, manager and realtor were very hateful. All they could talk about was how inconvenient it was for THEM. I did not stay at the new apartment. I went to a hotel with what was left of my stuff. At the moment, I'm homeless, but I AM getting my deposit back. For now, it looks like it's back to Tampa.

Some of you have sent gifts, and I am very grateful. It's not necessary, but it does help, and it does make me feel loved.

I'll post more info when I can.



  1. I can't believe that BS, those people should be held accountable.

  2. Sounds like a shitty situation. Hope things work out for you.

  3. That's horrible! I'm really sorry to hear that happened. I just sent you $100 to help tide you over.
