Friday, December 17, 2010

Owen the Horse —
I almost never get to draw men, so I appreciate the chance to do something like this.

This piece lent it self very well to step-by-step breakdown, so here's a bit of a glimpse at how I work.

This is one of two drawings I completed last night. Today is exactly 2 weeks from the last day of the year, so I MUST complete 2 a day for the next several days if I'm going to reach 300!



  1. Nice stuff. And by the looks of things he isn't even hard. I could only imagine what it would be like then...

    Glad ya getting some variety in your diet, so to speak. Prefer the ladies (or the futa) but nice to see a well-done guy that doesn't look all emo or effeminate.

  2. I wish I could think of a good simile to describe how well-hung he is.

  3. hah hah oh man i have alot to live up to now being named owen and of the horse zodiac sign now don't i?

    Owen fulcher
